Lgd stack reddit. Start low and go slow to assess tolerance.


I have enclo in hand but don’t really want to take it, not really interested in putting that stress on my body, otherwise I would have just run a test cycle. there is no definitive proof because there are no studies on sarm stacks. Gonna thrown Anavar in at last 4 weeks and then drop test down to 180mg per week. 8weeks of lgd @ 10mg After 4 weeks ill start using mk @15mg And after 2 more weeks throw in cardarine @ 15mg Meaning after 8 week cycle of the lgd ill have 4 weeks of mk and 6 weeks of cardarine remaining. Right now I'm doing 15 rad + 2. 5/12. Put 50lbs on my bench and got me a life PR of 335 at the age of 40. Ran MK677 12. I was always hungry. Either keep the mk or drop depending on how my body reacts. Yk might even be equal to or greater than LGD for strength and muscle. I have a good base. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Or check it out in the app stores RAD 140, LGD, YK11 stack . 1% extra, totalling upto an 11% return. I think from now on I'm going to run LGD personally i wouldn’t suggest stacking them as the benefits from two compounds that act on androgen receptors simply wouldn’t be as effective as for example an extra compound like MK that helps with recovery through ghelin receptors or something like GW that helps with energy levels through PPARδ receptors. Lgd4 you can do once a day I think. Both are pretty good im sure alot depends on how you react to it aswell. TLDR: Is 5mg LGD and 12. It’s not technically a sarm but it’s incredibly effective. You can expect to gain upwards of 5lbs of muscle and lose a few % of body fat as well. 5 mg. I'm aware ostarine generally has less side effects and less suppressive compared to LGD-4033, but from what I understand LGD 4033 & RAD-140 stack Question Currently on my pct after having done a RAD-140 & Mk-677 stack, I was doing 22. Local supplement store recommended this all in one stack that contains each capsule: RAD 140 10mg MK 677 10mg LGD 4033 5mg After reading on this subreddit, it looks as if they are overdosing me with this as my first stack, especially also being told take one at night and one in the morning. I chose this sarm because after doing a little research it seems to be the only sarm that has been put through many human trials with the only “major” side effect being surprised test. 5 mk. Tried steroids, not doing that shit Keep in mind LGD is at least double more potent. magnesium glycinate is an NMDA receptor antagonist, which will work well for tolerance and addictive behavior, bringing you closer to the baseline you've lost. 5mg of lgd which you can titrate up in a week or 2 depending on how you feel. Even at 2. Overall, LGD is a good optionI stacked it with Rad last summer. Therefore, I removed MK-677 since I read it was the most likely culprit due to water retention. I’ve taken ostarine and had tremendous results and a solo run of lgd that was also very beneficial and was wondering if I could stack the two type of sarms to gain benefits from a skeletal muscle target sarm and a mass builder one The only one you can stack or should stack is yk-11. However, I lack experience in cycling any type of SARMs. Hunger on it is a little weird, it comes and goes, but you'll notice MK having an effect on this. The only issue I would have is that if you've never run RAD-140 or LGD4033 by themselves you won't be able to attribute gains or side effects to one or the other and know which one works best for you. From my own experience with LDG, I was actually upping my calories by about 500 every day to 2300 and managed to gain 5 lbs of muscle amd lose 3% body fat in just the first 4 weeks and that was on a 5mg/day dose. Regardless, you will still see some size and strength gains if you eat at least +500 maintenance. It's going great. If one would stack LGD with anything, it would be YK11. • 3 yr. Hello Is this stack worth taking comes as 10mg mk 10mg rad and 5mg lgd. Ran mk677 from 12. It’s that good on its own! But there are additional benefits and results to be had by combining Ligandrol with other PEDs, as long as you plan your stacks carefully. May 12, 2018 路 One effect that may be evident is insomnia, as lgd-4033 users report having trouble sleeping in the first week or two on lgd 4033. 5 weeks LGD 10mg & MK 20mg followed by the last 3 weeks of LGD at 15mg and MK still at 20. Either lgd or dbol on its own would be sufficient, their mechsnisms of action are relatively similar (both work primarily via the AR). -Ryan. just make sure you stack enough I did 200 test, 200 deca and 10mg lgd in the winter for a bit. I eventually lowered my test to 100 and deca to about 50mg. 5 I need some advices about this pls. It’s more of a DHT derivative than a sarm and pairs well with lgd or rad(I prefer to stack it with rad). Is there any other sarms I should stack for good results? Archived post. Now if they have some type of special synergy, some people say they have I was advised to stack LGD and S4, but I am beginning to think this is not such a great idea. I also want to take NAC and other vitamins. I'm also taking MK-677, 12 mg (long term). Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now LGD 3303 and S23 Stack upvote questions/feedback on first cycle plan (lgd+enclo) comments. Not both. Age 24. Stick to liquid . Fancy-Category. saw another dude say sarms For the stack: I've ran it with LGD-4033+Enclo. I had a TRT test base though. Gaming LGD 4033 and MK677 stack . the study on SR9009 (including a bunch of its analogues) indicated that <3% bioavailability for SR9009. The gains would be incredible though. Hey guys, so I'm going to start a cycle of lgd-4033 soon and was wondering if its a bad idea to stack it with a prohormone. 5-15mg and titrate up to 20-25mg depending on how you feel. that’s what i’m doing right now. Cycle: 8 weeks and a few days. I have taken the above SARMs separately, however I haven’t stacked RAD and Ostarine. I'm planning on doing a cycle of 1-Andro at 100mg/day combined with LGD at 3mg/day. 8 weeks, I would start nolva at week 6 @ 10mg, then 15-20mg 3weeks post cycle. So quick math. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Rad140 & LGD stack . 15mg RAD and 15mg LGD are stronger than 15mg RAD alone. A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. A good example cycle for this stack would look like this: Week 1-8 Ostarine at 10 mg per day & LGD 4033 at 5 mg per day. What are yalls thoughts on all these combined? 4 weeks into my first ever lgd cycle. Reply reply Rad and LGD both give me ridiculous anxiety even with a test base. My gains I experienced are something astronomical. I want to start a stack of these 2 but would like to have some tips on which pct i should take. Today is day 21. Start low and go slow to assess tolerance. Ran both alone but doing my first stack Only question is: do I go 2 weeks on mk then start LGD for 8 weeks then another 2 for mk Being 12 weeks mk 8 weeks LGD Archived post. 9% muscle mass gain while 5mg subject only got . 5 mg/day LGD cycle with some great results at week five. Or drop lgd and do 35mg of rad for an insane lean bulk. Definitely a reliable Bulking stack. Or just run rad by itself. I just started my own experiment, one drop of lgd a night probably 0. Pick one and add something other than the one you didn’t choose if you want to stack. I would do 15mg of each, and split the lgd in two doses. Higher dose LGD will just suppress you quicker/harder especially when stacked with another SARM. So far, this is what I have come up with. But yeah, other than that stack is good. In fact, without the LGD the gains would have been similar (not to the extent they were with LGD, but not more than 5-10lbs off). These are the ingredients. I've done some looking around, but not much found about it when someone is on TRT. I know we have some crazy mofos here so does anyone else here have experience with RAD140 + LGD4033 as stack on a cycle? LGD + MK-2866 = wasted money LGD - Great for bulking and preserving muscle on a cut MK-2866 - Burns a LITTLE fat, my joints feel slightly better on it, maybe 1/3 muscle gain of LGD from personal experience. It will also help you cut. Im bout to do a cycle in 8weeks with lgd, rad, mk677 stack 2 weeks lgd 5mg/day rad 5mg/day mk677 10mg/day 6 weeks lgd 10mg/day rad 10mg/day mk677 20mg/day PCT with Clomid in 4 weeks 25/25/12. When you said you got fatigued on rad that's test suppression. I will be eating well, training very hard, drinking lots of water, controlled sodium consumption, omega 3, vitamn D3, Zinc, magnesium. Now, I'm looking to stack LGD-4033 with S23, if it is beneficial, to optimize the muscle growth. If I'm looking to tack on size I run LGD and run rad at a later date to harden up and lean out. Just wanted to post my experience with 2 Sarms I’ve done. 5mg dose for elderly patients and not any bit higher. does And Mk is known to help with recovery, great sleep, improved skin and much more Lgd WOULD work as well but would definitely suppress someone and by fixing one problem, would bring up another I also agree to use mk677 if that's the goal with least amount of side effects. I’ve ran lgd at 5mg and 10mg before and got good results at 5mg as it is. I would use 4-andro or test base of 200mg. The reason you don't want to start with a stack is because you don't know how your body is going to react to each Dec 1, 2023 路 A lot of guys don’t feel a need to stack LGD-4033 at all, ever. 5mg/d weeks 9-12 and cardarine 10mg/d weeks 9-12. 5 mg (OR 5mg) for 8 weeks LGD 4033 10 mg for 8 weeks MK 677 20 mg for 8 weeks For instance I just finished 9 weeks of 30mg of rad, 30mg of lgd and 30 mg of yk11. Also do I need to take anything while on this cycle or just keep to a decent diet and cycle off with a pct after the 8 weeks. I am a 47 year old female and am taking 5mg LGD and 50mg S4 (split into two doses). At a minimum it might do that one with whatever the LGD is doing. Lgd is more anabolic and rad140 is amazing at retaining muscle in a caloric deficit. 5 mg LGD, I wake up at 3 am and can't get back to sleep. The whole LGD-4033 water bloat thing is always blown out of proportion by people. LGD-4033-based stacks will be focused mostly on bulking and strength enhancement. I will also add a tes base of 125 per week. 5-10mg lgd is Im running at 10 week lgd cycle. I did an MK LGD stack for 8 weeks and was very happy with the results, other than quite a lot of water retention that drained away when I stopped. Therefore, I am seeking a cycle guide for this specific stack. I ran 8 weeks of lgd at 10mg and couldn’t believe the strength gains, would of ran it longer but it’s all I had . 1. The Real Housewives of Atlanta; The Bachelor; Sister Wives; 90 Day Fiance; Wife Swap; The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Starting ostarine 15mg, starting rad probably 15mg, and starting lgd 5mg. Planning on buying some lgd4, yk11, mk677 and enclo and was wondering what dosages people think would be good for a stack. First time using these so open to all… Im planning to stack these supplements and this is how ik thinking about doing it. Around 175-180 rn. For the first 3 Weeks i‘ve been taking 5mg LGD & 10mg MK677. Start at 12. Just wondering if any of these compounds cause gyno. I would recommend RAD over LGD if your looking for strength gains. Preface. 5 mg ed and see how that feels. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers mk677 and lgd stack . Height 5'9. Currently 76. Our objective is to create an in-depth background of performance enhancing drugs from every background while building a community around discussion of these substances. Currently on week 2 Hoping to increase lgd to 5 and either keep rad at 15 or upto 20 by week 3. 5mg MK677 a good dosage to keep week 1-4 before upping the dose, and when should I start using Enclo? s4 is really strong. Try taking the LGD 4033 at your breakfast or just before your exercise to see the best results. Personally and subjectively, I tried lgd and rad and solo lgd and rad with lgd gave me best results, but I would also need to try solo rad to decisively tell if combo is best. Cardarine is not a sarm, thus won't compete for androgen receptors. So, 5 weeks later today my weight increased from 136 to 140 lbs while my hips have decreased an inch. some say stacking sarms is good some say its not. People who cut on LGD have less than impressive results. or do a cycle of lgd 3303. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Rad+lgd stack . Lgd-4033 and Mk-677 stack , 1st cycle hello guys i have lgd4033 and mk677 in hands ( liquid form from astatine labs uk ) i intend to do 5mg of lgd / 10mg of mk677 for 8 weeks i will run mk677 for the first 2 weeks during pct with nolvadex for 4 weeks 20/20/10/10 i will be using liver support all the time what do u think ? Hello everyone! I am currently in my 5th week of the said stack and it is my First cycle. But I have run LGD at 15mg, Rad at 20mg, and MK 677 at 25 mg a day together. After reading and watching videos the one I’m most interested in is LGD-4033. Stacking any of them won’t be smart, but if you sure that’s what you want to do I’ll go with LGD as YK dry joints and tendons and so is RAD so I’ll suggest go with LGD so the water retention will help lubricate the joints. I would say I’m reasonably knowledgeable about these compounds, but always learning more. Has anyone tried this stack? I know stacks are not the rave in here - I personally believe that the androgen receptor competition issue is overblown… Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. But you could do thatthe recommended dosages are still somewhat moderate. To replicate 14mg LGD gains you'd need 28mg (so 30mg of RAD in the real world) So that's much more expensive and probably more side effects (I started getting aggressive and shedding hair at around 20mg of RAD). Ostarine will help you maintain strength and mass while cutting, and has a very low side effect profile. Just started this stack. Is this version of cycle good? RAD 140 Cycle: Week 1-2: 10mg/day Week 3-8: 20mg/day Week 9-10: 10mg/day LGD 4033 Cycle: Week 1-4: 5mg/day Week 5-8: 10mg/day Week 9-10: 5mg/day When do you recommend I should introduce Enclo? PCT only after the ten weeks, or run it alongside the stack the whole time? I want to avoid sides as much as possible and keep my test at a healthy level as close as possible. Honestly you will get much better results with far less sides than rad and lgd. Which is what I’m going for. You should feel the suppression around week 6. ago. You could be good keeping LGD in a lower dosage protocol if you want to maintain your endogenous function (with no base)but this way you get to avoid lethargy shut down sides while on cycle and then pct with clomid after the 8 weeks to kick back production. Or check it out in the app stores Gonna run this stack for 8 weeks, 10 mg rad and 5 mg lgd (maybe I’d say for LGD/RAD(stronger compounds) you could probably go with a low dose from the start or from week3/4. Once you've been lifting for 3 or 4 years, the extra gains from LGD may not be as substantial. 6kg. Sep 29, 2018 路 LGD 4033-Timing LGD 4033 is always taken verbally. In my opinion a balanced diet and plenty of water keeps every thing in check. I did LGD for a 12 week cycle, 10mg/d and got great results. /r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. So i know pretty sad shape right now. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. LGD gains are watery, Rad gains are pretty dry (and around half the lean mass vs lgd). Planned on ordering from proven peptides (unless someone has a better suggestion or somewhere that sells capsules). Strength gains will also be very noticeable after the first few weeks. May 12, 2018 路 Conclusion on the LGD 4033 and MK 677 Stack It seems obvious that the draw of the lgd-4033 and mk 677 is the results promised, however clearly the research conducted by both the creators of the drugs themselves and many people conducting independent research has added to the allure of the lgd-4033 mk-677 stack. My current go to stack is LGD (5mg for 4 weeks, 10mg for 2 weeks) then RAD-140 (10mg for 4 weeks, 15mg for 2 weeks) and finish with MK-677 during PCT. Lots of places are selling the lgd/rad combo stackbe good of they actually had some science behind it. YK-11 strips myostatin as well. Honestly not much its going to happen for a few weeks, its very gradual. Is running all three smart with a PCT or do you think I should just stick with LGD & MK since Im worried about my hair? Thanks guys! RAD 140 2. Can’t do Test Base due to I fly a lot with my job and would be rekt by TSA馃ぃ anyways what would y’all reccomend? Halts suicidal ideation. I have stacked mk before with ostarine and it caused severe hunger and vivid dreams which I'm getting now but no other real side effects other than suppression from the Osta. The lgd s4 combo should get you similar gains and suppression to like 10mg LGD with less water bloat. 5 lgd (my body works on the lower end with lgd) + 12. M 54 5'6" 182. The Rad and Lgd is 10mg daily and the mk is 20mg at night. LGD is for bulking. I see nothing wrong with that stack as long as you run a test base and PCT properly since it will be suppressive if you have legit SARMs. I'm going to be starting a cut on 1/2/20 and I've decided I'm going to run LGD-4033. Running 20 mgs last 3-4 weeks , upping it from the 15 im on currently. 25mg for Osta is fine but I wouldn't stack it with LGD - 5mg LGD ED w/Cardarine would be a good standalone cycle and Osta w/Cardarine is a good cut/recomp cycle. I was looking to stack LGD with mk677 for 6 weeks. 5mg until week 4 and now on 10mg. Perhaps the best solutiin is to take it only on gym days. Edited to answer a repeated question: I'm going with LGD because I've used Osta an found it kinda weak and I trust LGD more than RAD due to it having way more research behind it. 25mg/day and up it to 12. Thinking 25 or 50mgs for the s4. In the first two weeks i‘ve felt stronger and lifts were going up nicely as well. Never felt hand cramps. Strength has definitely gone up along with endurance. Was wondering if any one has tried this stack before? Doing 5 mgs of the 4033. Ostarine will help with the recovery times allowing us to be in the gym 5 times a week. It’s a great solo compound. YK-11 25mg/day LGD 12mg/day MK-677 25mg/day I already have a tiny bit of pubity gyno (barely noticeable), i haven't notice any sensitivity except from occasional slight itchiness when i touch them but this could be due to mild sunburn. It occurs in all studies as there is decreased anabolism per mg even jumping from 1mg to 2. I’m currently on my first week of this stack, I’ve done cycles with the two before but never in stack, wanted to see the difference got bloods done… However, my blood pressure shot off the roof. They both use the same pathway. Lgd 4033 holds water from mineral imbalances that is irritating to correct. 52 and milke thistle. LGD is great but RAD, at least for my body, seems to have more rapid gains and larger gains by the end of the cycle. Liver support NAC, Liv. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Is this a high enough dosage at 170 pounds? Apr 6, 2024 路 If you’re only looking to gain strength, Ostarine stacked with LGD 4033 is probably the best Ostarine stack for you. Hey guys new to Sarms here. Continued the MK677 and cardarine an additional 6 weeks. what we thinking about running this stack for 8-10 weeks in august when i’m Hi, just got off a 6 week cycle of LGD-4033 from proven peptides! Saw some good gains, took a two week break, now looking to buy it again and… As far as PCT goes, Nolva 10/10/5/5 was sufficient for my 5mg LGD cycle so It'd likely be more than enough for Ostarine, but that said, only bloodwork will truly dictate what's most appropriate for you. The main reason to not stack them, is because LGD is just much stronger than Osta. There would be synergy between the two compounds, and in theory, YK11, is Anabolic mainly through the follistatin pathway. i think its safe to say from anectodal reports that its definitly stronger, so all that "competing for receptors" stuff is definitly not true. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 10mg LGD and 25mg osta are the recommended dosages for a run of either one of them solo. 5 mg mk677 before bed. Then I'll add yk by week 5. Stacking sarms is useful because no sarm fully saturates the receptor on it’s own; but, if I were going to stack with LGD I’d actually use YK-11. 5 mg of Mk-677 and 15 mg of RAD, felt great. [deleted] • Additional comment actions On the final 7 weeks of a Test E cycle, would you rather additionally take daily: LGD-4033 @ 20mg Anavar @ 20mg Dbol @ 20mg My friends main objective is to look shredded and dry so idk if Dbol would be the best option here. I run test and other AAS now which are great but I’m actually running 300mg test per week with 5mg lgd cause I liked lgd so much. I'm only considering an Ostarine run to ease off LGD and only if it will fit within a total of 8 weeks (4-5 weeks LGD and 4 weeks Ostarine. The choice to increase to 15mg I regret now but was based on low side effects and LDL and HDL testing (which was at the upper/lower end of the range). 1mg-1mg-2. Say 10mg LGD reduces your test by 75% in an 8 week cycle (like a 800 to near 200 level - ive seen this a lot) Apr 6, 2019 路 I'll stack the Lgd 4033/Mk677 and ill throw in Dermacrine to help as well then see how i get on. There won't be that significant benefit to stacking them and would most likely only increase the side effects especially the stress on the liver. S4 may actually help you cut some, while also improving your physique, but has a more risky side effect profile. Small dose of LGD will hopefully not be too supressive, will run 10 mg nolva from day 1 to mitigate supression and keep it for 2 weeks after the cycle as PCT Reply reply rounddaddy I’m 6”, 200 pounds 25 Y/O. Mk 677 is better to run like 2 days on 1 day off 2 days on then 2 days off ( 4 times a week ) to keep the water retention down and so it doesn't mess with your Insulate Rad140 and lgd 4033 stack I’m thinking of taking rad+lgd stack for bulking, and I’m wondering about the fat burning effect, like if I’m in about 500 calories surplus and eating clean, can I actually loose fat while gaining mass on this stack while bulking? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I stopped to try out injectable lgd and then test. My plan is: 1-Andro 100mg/day for 6 weeks. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. 75mg And enclo somewhere along the way would be: 6. 5mg/day and then up it to 18. Lgd gives me almost immediate strength gains and size some quickly as well. the fish oil helps repair neurons and works synergistically with uridine. on a deficit you’d probably still make some lean gains & keep the muscle from the lgd. Hence why LGD specifically was meant to be in the 0. I've run LGD-4033 solo before and therefore can tell that the YK-11 added some value, specifically in strength and recovery. Im considering a similar cycle, 2. 5-5mg lgd and 50mg s4 for 8 weeks, already lean but tryna get shredded I've narrowed down my choices between ostarine or LGD-4033 for my first cycle for a lean mass phase. With LGD, 5mg is enough. 1% muscle mass gain, so you can see from the results, 20mg is just waste of time and inviting the bad suppression. I ordered LGD 4033 online about 2 weeks ago and I’m waiting for it to arrive and have been debating stacking Ostarine along with it for about 8 weeks does anyone have any experience with this Stack and how I should go about it? Also I found ostarine from a local supplier. 3 mg per day of LGD in the morning, then 12. I’d go with lgd. bio/sarms/ My last cycle was lgd and Ostarine stack and honestly I feel fine afterward this is 2nd week in pct and still pretty lean consider my diet and the feeling like shit like most people describe lasted in me for the first 3 days but idk about yourself first 4 week I did 10mg of lgd and 15 mg of Ostarine last 6 weeks I did 15 mg of lgd and 22. Afaik, the reason we don’t stack orals is to not obliterate our livers/compound the sides of multiple orals. While you can get some benefits from 5mg of lgd, 10 is going to work better for size gains. You are better off stacking rad with a test base. Steroids such as the LGD 4033 are usually taken for a short period of training. I thought about Enclo but don’t know if that is the right one. LGD: 5mg/day and then up it to 10mg if I feel ok Mk: about 12. It was awesome. Update - I’ve missed 4 evening doses just because uni life sometime interferes with having a schedule which you can argue is somewhat wreckless but it is what it is. This to see if I can get a mild boost with as little risk of suppression as possible. Im not going to bother looking for the study but its there. If your going to do both I'd start with 10 rad and 5mg lgd and then bump it up on week 2 to 15mg rad-140 and lgd at 10mg. I am planning a recomp cycle hoping to shed some fat and gain lean mass. Started at 189lbs and bulked all the way to 215lbs in just six weeks. the stack isn't meant to work in one day, so be patient as well. Reddit . It is best to start at 5mg and work from there, depending on your body type and your needs. My goal is to bulk about 15 pounds. LGD 3mg/day for 8 weeks. Plan is to take 5mg/day of LGD for the first week then bump to 10mg/day while taking 30mg of MK at bedtime (3 days on, 1 day off) Also pick one or the other. 5/day I was thinking either that stack or just do YK and LGD with MK. I'm a 35 year old male, 5'10", 210lb, roughly 15% BF. MK 677 + Lgd 4033 stack. What Rad140 adds to that is out of my knowledge but if ur intent is to bulk then you definitely have 2 great bulkers in there. Opinion for this bulk stack, dosages? Rad140,rad150,ostarine,lgd4033,lgd3033,yk Sides of Mk677 disappear with time. 5mg. You shouldnt get gyno on LGD alone, if youre worried about that then 500mg of test is too much without an ai or serm, you can get strong estro sides quicker with test + LGD than with test alone because LGD suppressed SHBG, it makes the effective test dose higher (higher free test), which means more estrogen conversion, as well much less SHBG to bind up that extra estrogen. I gained 15-20 lbs from 3 weeks of high dose sublingual rad + lgd + mk677 and haven't lost any of the weight since I stopped. So you're mixing a muscle preserver, with a much stronger bulking agent. It would be retarded to do this without using pharma grade enclomiphene at 6-12 mg daily as a test base. Rad and Lgd are a good stack cause ones a dry gainer and ones a wet bulker. Rad is generally regarded as the better strength building compound and LGD is definitely the better mass builder. Something like 200 mg Test and 7. You can check Science Bio for all your research needs https//science. Androsterone (150mg) 1 androstene-3b-ol,17-one (50mg) 4 androstene-3b-ol,17-one (50mg) Arimistane (50mg) Have used MK677 and LGD at the same time minus the Rad140 and it is a good bulking stack. MK677 increases appetite and strength gain while LGD offers a good muscle recovery. reReddit Apr 1, 2019 路 irishiron300 said: I have not used YKtho the LGD is a touch low @ 10. Most people use Osta while aggressively cutting to prevent muscle wasting. I have Ceretropic 5mg solution LGD and 25mg MK677 , 5 100mg (2ml) test-p , 5ml test-susp (250mg) and 5ml genshi cut stack (250mg Tren-Acetate, Drostanolone-Propionate,Testosterone-Propionat) , I also have proviron. Rad has stamina and endurance properties, again great for a cut. MK throughout the cycle will help you eat more, and will definitely help you keep your gains through PCT and beyond. Androsterone (150mg) 1 androstene-3b-ol,17-one (50mg) 4 androstene-3b-ol,17-one (50mg) Arimistane (50mg) Hi. Came week 3, haven’t noticed any difference, even lost weight although i was eating in surplus. Note that Osta is not a fat burner. This cycle contains of RAD140 and LGD 4 together with cardarine. It should also be noted I'm on trt so I have absolutely no suppression. As long as you stick to the suggested doses you won't have sides. there is nothing wrong with going higher. I have a couple friends that have completed their cycles of the same. Obviously throw this out the window if you're running test alongside them. AC262 + LGD Stack - 3 weeks in my lab rat is about to close out week 3 at 20mg/5mg and is seeing some nice progress lab rat has enclo on hand, but i’m wondering when to throw that in and what dosage - it is my rat’s first cycle Stacking them will give you the ability to get the benefits of both at once. For someone that struggles to put on mass as I'm very lean at 68kg. I’m thinking that’s subcutaneous water weight from the LGD. Just picked up a LGD stack, can't find anything online about stacking multiple LGD chains. You will be getting stronger every week. That’s just my guess tho. Rad 140 sounds good and i'll probably run it at 15mg when i do get it. The standard suggestion for LGD and RAD stack is: 10mg ED of LGD4033 20mg ED of RAD140 8 to 12 weeks Anyone ran these 2 together, planning on running 2. What you can expect from an LGD 4033 MK 677 stack. Useless. Currently, I'm on a 16 week 2. Honestly I wouldn’t stack anything with YK-11, there isn’t enough research to really tell us what it does, except that it is very similar to test, but if you were going stack try very small doses of YK-11 along with LGD or Rad, like 2-3 mg of LGD or 5 mg of Rad with 5mg of YK-11 to minimize sides and suppression I have taken LGD in the last with good results so I decided to give it another go and stack it with MK-677. Its reported that LGD has a half life of 36 hours and can accumulate if taken daily (24 hours). But even with that being said, it’s barely noticeable. There’s enough androgen receptors to go around, I’ve read, but I’m not super well informed on that bit. Jan 7, 2018 路 Use rad for a cutting phase. I wouldn’t expect gain as much as this guy. Apr 7, 2024 路 Now, let’s finally go over the LGD 4033 MK 677 stack. MK will give you a huge appetite, there will be some fat burning due to the training but just eat more if you're concerned about that. 8 weeks and pct after. I’ve run about 4-5 cycles so far of different compounds but wanting to run LGD for a decent bulker. It’s more of a cutting stack. Why? I’m planning on cycling YK-11 10mg a day for 4 weeks (question: what times should I split the doses) and LGD-4033 5mg for 8 weeks. Same thing with mk677. I was also told to take GW. The first time I ran that I was completely blown away. To each his own, but the first photo is in fact from this April of 2019. Ill post back. Terms & Policies Does anyone know the effects of a Test + LGD stack blast He's right . Yo, who has got experience with stacking LGD and S23? I could get my hands on some LGD and stack it with s23 and a test base but want to know if anyone's done it already or would persuade me not to lol Mk677 isn't targetting your androgens the way lgd and rad etc. Yeah that sounds like a good idea. That was dope, really enjoyed it. If you want to do LGD and Test, that is 100% an option for a bulk. im 5 weeks in to my LGD cycle and i’ve gained 12 pounds and all my lifts have gone up a lot. . and i’m I'm considering using LGD + RAD together for a cycle (each 10 mg) for 8 weeks, knowing that's a strong dose. Im looking to add Rad at 10-20 miligrams for the last 3 weeks to potentiate the absolute saturation period of the LGD. I have no experience with YK-11. I stacked Rad140, LGD and YK11 for an 8 week cycle. 5mg-50mg and got best results in terms of potency at around 25mg but would be happy to run as low as Personally eating is my biggest struggle so I stacked it with my-677 because you will get a large increase in your appetite to make sure you are eating enough to get good gains, I wouldn’t stack rad-140, LGD just because you won’t know which is working. Starting an lgd-4033 and s4 recomp stack here. I've had a history of acne throughout my teenage/young adult years and my concern is the side effects that might arise when I'm on either cycle. Weight 200. Hey guys just seeing if anyone had any experience with stacking lgd ostarine and mk677, I've done a mk677 and rad140 stack previously with great results but wanted to try something different, I was thinking Lgd 5mg daily morning Osta 12mg daily morning Mk677 5mg daily night Whilst slowly increasing dosages of osta as I get past 1 week mark to make sure no adverse reactions? Also, the studies showed that at 4mg lgd gave 10. If you run them both at that dosage together it's a strong cycle. At 1mg, subject had 6. However, I prefer running AAS, the SARMS were just an experiment for me. I like how little sarms affect my mood and acne and how easy estrogen control is at low dose test. suppression won’t be as bad if you run a bulk then cut & you’d probably see more result. Yes you’ll gain muscle but will have more of that dry lean look than water retention mass. 5-10mg LGD can work. I haven't quite figured out the dosage for enclo but I think I'll start with 6. Anyways i kinda lost myself in the past year. Enclo as a base and pct and tamoxifen as a pct. 31yr old male with 15+ years of weight lifting experience several prohormone cycles done in early 20s and one test cycle. 5 of Ostarine gain about 10 pounds but mostly water Going with a test base I’m using 4-Andro 330mg daily with 15mg LGD. Now I want to try ostarine with my cut diet, but wondering about adding in some lgd too? Would it be counter productive? I’m in a slightly calorie deficit but I wonder if I could still put on some muscle mass with the two. 10mg lgd, and 50mg of s4. Started at 72. Weeks 2-4 After the initiation of the lgd-4033 mk-677 stack, users will feel some strength and endurance gains during exercise with more water retention possible due to the lgd-4033 starting to take effect. 5mg for first week then raised to 5 if everything felt ok while also on enclo throughout the cycle. So the idea is to start the LGD 2 weeks into the Andro cycle, and finish it 1 week after the last day of 1-Andro to create a tapering effect. I’d go to 20 at least. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; &nbsp; TOPICS. Since LGD has a higher binding affinity, if you experience estrogen sides or test sides, drop test down to like 150mg or 100mg as needed. When I’m on cycle I don’t notice any water weight at all, but I do notice my BF% go up about 1%, and then back down to original after cycle. Jan 7, 2018 路 Lgd is more anabolic and rad140 is amazing at retaining muscle in a caloric deficit. I would not stack them without a test base. In my opinion, I do think LGD is better for the intermediate lifter where there are more untapped gains to be made. Disclaimer: I have experience running multiple cycles of LGD, RAD, and one 8 week cycle (while stacked with LGD) of Ostarine. But if you felt fine at 10 of lgd just start and stay there. Again, I have zero reasons to lie about anything on this post because I am not sponsored nor am I sponsoring a brand for LGD. Bought a few bottles of Turk and wondering if it’s safe to add onto the lgd or if I should finish the lgd first, do pct, and then start the Turk. Just wondering which compound goes best to stack lgd4033 with? lgd plus rad is common. Dosage is as follows LGD-4033: 3mg LGD-3303: 10mg LGD-2226: 10mg Total 23mg Thats pretty much the baseline dosage for these individually from my knowledge. Is there something i am missing? The the dosage will probably a max of 5MG LGD and 12,5MG MK Thanks!! Been running lgd-4033 for about 3 weeks now and making good gains. Overall, I had a good bulking cycle with those compounds over 16 weeks. The reason is because they both supress at their own rate and adding them is stacking the suppression. r I did rad-140 and MK-677 cycle for 6 weeks. Really, I'll just play it by ear, but I am trying to avoid a shut down once I am done. I start ostarine and cardarine a little over a week ago. zfisw ndpgt jwdm ltw gnkftw lrrkbo opqhgfdi qjfrn uryfwa duhsp